I have grown
C. tolmiei satisfactorily in a cold
frame, but without coming anywhere close to replicating the impact of my first
In any case c. tolmiei is difficult to obtain and difficult to grow well.
Calochortus caeruleus, (coeruleus in U.S. spelling), is very similar but much easier both to grow and obtain. The picture
on the right is of my present plant taken last spring. C. elegans is also a close relative.
Other calochortus I have grown are C.
uniflorus, compact, easy and excellent outdoors; C. albus with lovely globe shaped white flowers, a bit taller but also amenable in cultivation: C. venustus for the cold frame, a bit lanky but sumptuous
grey/white with purple
markings. Others have not yet produced flowers, but hopefully will give me at least one glimpse of their charm, before they too die of home sickness.