Although there
are over 200 species of Castilleja world wide,
very few are seen in gardens. Growers are probably wary
of a plant that is partly parasitic on the roots of
associated plants including grasses.
The genus is renowned for for its paintbrush-like flower
spikes, and is renowned as being one of showiest
plants in the North American mountains. |
miniata is found growing in North
American mountains from British Columbia
to California at up to 3500m, often
found in rather damp places by streams -
perhaps this is the reason is
seems amenable to NI conditions. |
miniata and Three Sisters, Oregon |
miniata in the crevice garden |
C. miniata
is the only member of the genus which I have managed to
bring to flowering, some years ago I was inspired to try
it when I saw it growing and flowering in Margaret &
Henry Taylor's fine Dundee garden |
I managed
to obtain seed from one of the seed exchanges in
2009, and three years later the first "Paintbrush
flowers " appeared. I have grown it in a raised bed
and also in a pot with winter cover.
In recent years Aberconwy have offered C. miniata in
their catalogue , it is well worth trying this plant as it
is quite happy in Northern Irish Gardens.