grows farther north than any other species of
cyclamen so there is no doubt as to its hardiness.
It has virtually evergreen leaves over the year –
the new flowers starting in August to come through
the old leaves before dying. |
seems to be shy of flowering in some gardens but if
it finds a place it likes it does well – a shady
cool spot seems to suit it. I grow it in a sink that
only gets sun in the late afternoon. |
resents too much heat and that probably explains why
it may do better in Northern Ireland than in
southern England. It also resents being moved around
so plant it straight from the pot where you want it
to go. |
leaves are often plain, but this is variable and there are
some which have pewter markings. They are however very
different from the more commonly grown Cyclamen
hederifolium, being rounded to heart-shaped.
Apparently the presence or absence of auricles (or ears) on
the flower is variable but rarely is it as pronounced as in C.
hederifolium. The plant depicted was grown from seed
and has flowered well every year, setting seed and growing
vigorously – it now covers about one third of the sink. |