Alpine Garden Society

Ulster Group

            Plant of the Month, October  2012
 Erythronium revolutum. - by Harold McBride
This native of Western N. America  is found from Vancouver Island to northern California . E.revolutum grows in Redwood forests & mixed evergreen woodland. It seems to prefer damp areas close to streams up to 1000 m, flowering in its natural habitat from March until June; in my garden it is finished flowering by mid-April. 
E.revolutum has charming pale pink pendulous flowers which combined with its attractive  mottled leaves makes this Erythonium a very popular garden plant.
In my garden it thrives in a moisture retentive, humus rich soil producing many self-sown seedlings, including several hybrids.
Several selected forms have been named including E. r var Johnsonii, Pink Beauty, and Smithii - a bright pink form from Vancouver Island.
In 2000  I noticed a small clump of E.revolutum which had upturned flowers, differing from the normal pendulous form, and recently several more such flowers have appeared  in the garden showing that this rare form comes true from seed. 
I recently sent photographs to several N. American experts & they suggest it is very rare & has rarely been recorded in the wild .
Erythonium revolutum is easily grown from seed, flowering three or four years after sowing. Seed is always available on the AGS seed exchange.