Alpine Garden Society

Ulster Group

Plant of the Month, June  2017
  Gladiolus longicollis - by David Ledsham

Many of the Gladiolus species found growing in the Southern Regions of Africa bear little resemblance to their commercial cousins. Gladiolus longicollis is just such a species, and although some of its forms closely resemble the more familiar Gladiolus tristis it undoubtedly remains in many ways a daintier, more delicate and quite distinctive plant.

The sparsely produced leaves are very rush-like and grow to a height of approximately 45 cm. It is spring flowering with long tubular flowers which can be white or creamy white and which are often flecked with faint brown markings.
It has a widespread distribution and its preferred habitat is rocky grassland in which it can occur from sea level to mountain slopes. One of the local names for G. longicollis is Honey Flower and it is said to be pollinated by several species of night flying Hawkmoth.

One of the local names for G. longicollis is Honey Flower and it is said to be pollinated by several species of night flying Hawkmoth. In its native haunts the flowers only remain open from dusk to dawn but funnily enough this doesn't seem to be the case with my plants which remain open throughout the day. Maybe they're living in the hope and expectation that an elusive Hawkmoth just might arrive at anytime, day or night, in this part of the world.

While considered by some to be a rather tender plant, it nevertheless copes very well with the vagaries  of County Antrim weather and survives outdoors throughout the year, albeit in a pot of poor sandy soil.  If you would like to try growing this species, then seed or corms are available from a number of suppliers in South Africa and elsewhere. My batch of seed was obtained from Rod and Rachel Saunders of Silverhill Seeds
in Capetown. Gladiolus longicollis is well worth growing, as indeed are many of the many bulbous plants from this region.

ref. The Color Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs   Manning, Goldblatt, and Snijman    Timber Press 2002  -  (Check out the Gladiolus Index on this site to get some idea of the  sheer variety of species Gladiolus!)

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