Alpine Garden Society

Ulster Group

Plant of the Month, July 2014
 Lewisia cotyledon  - by Raymond Copeland
Lewisia Cotyledon from North West California brings an added splash of colour to the late April Shows.
 Many have started their showing careers with Lewisia, myself included. This particular plant I acquired some time ago as a seedling and it has won a number of first prize cards. Grown in an 80% John Innes 1 and 20% grit mix, re-potted biannually and with constant turning, this year it reached its peak with eighty to ninety flower stems. 
Awakening on the morning of the show to torrential rain in Newry the day only got better, being awarded the Margaret Orsi bowl for best plant from North America, as well as the congratulations from fellow exhibitors and compliments from the general public.
Going to Dublin AGS show on that wet April morning turned out to be the right decision.

Raymond's description of his prizewinning Lewisia cotyledon complements Susan Tindall's article in this column eight years ago - and adds a Prizewinner to her general discussion.  Ed.