bombycina v bolkardaghensis
bombycina v bolkardaghensis
is a fairly recent introduction (Avant 1993) and looks
likely to supersede the earlier introduction Veronica
bombycina. The newer introduction would seem to be a
better colour and a more floriferous plant.
bombycina v bolkardaghensis
plant above, photographed at the 2009 Show, is about 5 years old, and is grown in
an alpine house, in a well drained compost. Care is taken
to avoid over watering.
Its silver-grey mat is about 25 – 30cm, and responds
well to shearing after flowering in spring. Cuttings from
the sheared material can be easily rooted, and so provide
an ongoing supply of plants.
Veronica caespitosa |
in the wild in the Bolkar Dagh mountains of Turkey is the
closely related Veronica caespitosa, with more
tightly crowded leaves. Both the species occur from Lebanon
to Turkey, and unlike the European veronicas, recent DNA
studies suggest that they have evolved from veronicas of
the Asian steppes and plains. (photos Liam
McCaughey) |
Veronica caespitosa
in the wild |